fonderia metalli Un procedimento ripetibile
Un procedimento ripetibile
Il riciclo dei metalli consiste nella rifusione d’oggetti metallici già utilizzati per ottenere altro metallo: un procedimento virtualmente ripetibile all’infinito.
SO.RA.ME. si occupa del ritiro e commercio di rottami e scarti di lavorazione di materiali non ferrosi a base rame, selezionando le materie prime per la raffinazione delle proprie leghe da una vasta serie di fonti certificate.
La nostra azienda inoltre è membro delle principali associazioni nel settore riciclo metalli.

Recycling Materials Association
The recycling industry is researching and developing ways to recycle new products, using innovative technologies to better separate, and sort, and process materials, and working with manufacturers to encourage design with recyclability in mind.
Bureau of International Recycling
The Bureau of International Recycling (BIR) is the only global recycling industry federation representing more than 30,000 companies around the globe, with a direct membership of over 950 companies and 37 national associations from 70 countries. BIR members are world leaders in the supply of raw materials and a key pillar for sustainable economic development.
Material Recycling Association of India
Started off as Metal Recycling Association of India, in 2011, the industry body of metal industry stakeholders metamorphosized into a full-blown trade body at the instance of Government, which directed it to embrace and extend the benefits of its benevolent actions all recycling and recyclable commodity stakeholders, not limiting them to the metal sector alone.